
Counselling - Solutions

NIPTEC offers its clients specialised and tailored networks solutions matching their needs of today and tomorrow.  We provide a strong guidance through the counselling of skilled networks experts. We also help in the elaboration of strategies concordant with technological evolution and in adequation with our clients’ major issues, in order to bring up a surplus value.

It can be expensive and time consuming implementing network management systems which claim to do everything. This adds up to headaches for network managers and can result in wasted money. At the core of our profession, we offer our clients a complete service in network analysis and management. According to specific demands and projects’ progression, we provide the opportunity to choose the level of counselling required. This could cover requirements identification and analysis, reporting, coordination or project monitoring. We also propose special solutions for tricky and delicate projects realisation.

With you through the entire process, an expert with a strong commitment to reactivity and flexibility, performance and security, is attentive to your expectations.
